How to Apply to the IMAT as an EU Student

Registering for the IMAT as an EU student is, thankfully, slightly easier than our fellow non-EU students registering for the exam. You are considered to be an EU student if you are a resident or citizen of any of the countries affiliated with the European Union, including the EEA countries that technically are not part of the EU. If you are a non-EU citizen, but reside in a European country, or have a residency permit for Italy you are also considered an EU applicant.

While the non-EU students need to go through lengthy processes, such as the pre-enrollment, the EU students should mainly worry about not missing the deadline to register for the IMAT exam.

Around April, the MIUR, or the Ministry of Education in Italy, will release the “call to applicants” (BANDO in Italian) which specifies all the details about studying medicine in Italy in English. This can include the date of the exam, the syllabus, and the registration period, but also specifics about the universities themselves like how many seats are allocated to each.

The registration period is usually only open for 3 weeks, starting in late June and ending in July! Once registrations are open the instructions to actually register for the exam and pay for it are identical for both EU and non EU students; once again, however, non-EU students must complete pre-enrollment to be allowed to pay for the exam.

Registration for the IMAT Exam

  1. Make a Universitaly account once the Ministry of Education (MIUR) announces the date for the IMAT registration.
  2. Pay for the IMAT Exam online through this account which can have different costs depending on the currency. (~£114.00GBP, €130.00EUR, $164.00USD)
  3. Select one of the available test centres around the world to complete the exam in. If you wish to do the exam in Italy, you must pick your first choice. This is really important.

You will receive two emails that are very important. One of the emails will be sent to the email address you filled out when you created your Universitaly account, and confirms that your registration for the exam has been successful, with the details of the time, place and test centre you have chosen.

You will receive the second email to the email address you provided when paying for the IMAT Exam (email of the card holder), and will confirm that you have successfully paid for the it.


An email that confirms that the process has been successful and accepted
an email that confirms registration for the IMAT exam

The Day of the Exam

Each test centre has it’s own strict specifications when it comes to the exam day, including what time you are required to be present. Please be aware of this and double check your centre specifications; some students weren’t allowed into the exam because they showed up after the time requested.

For example:

  1. Some centres (Turin, Bari) asked people to be there 2.5 hours before the exam.
  2. The Qatar test centre asked students to be there 1 hour before the exam.

You must bring the following documents/items with you on the day of the test:

  1. Both of the confirmation emails that you received during the registration and payment process.
  2. A photographic form of identification. (It must be the one you used when registering within your UniversItaly account)
  3. Black pens. (Some centres give you black pens, however it’s always better to have them and not need them than the other way around).

After the Exam

After the exam, there are a few important events and steps that take place before you receive your personal score and find out if you have been accepted into a medical school in Italy or not. This ranges from challenging items, to checking your personal answer sheet, to an anonymous list to estimate scores, to receiving your score and finally the dreaded IMAT scrolling

  • Day of the exam: The question paper and answers are published on the MIUR website. IMAT Candidates can now estimate their score based on what they remember answering correctly or incorrectly. Students have five days from the date they were published to submit ‘item challenges’ which may be disagreements with questions etc.
  • Two weeks after: the anonymous results are published on the Universitaly website, which is a ranking list with the scores of EVERY test taker. However there are no names, so technically there is no way to know what your results are, and the list is not ordered by score.
  • Three weeks after: You will receive your personal score on the reserved area of the Universitaly website. You will see a breakdown of your score and how you did on each section, as well as check your answer sheet to the question paper you received to make sure the testing company didn’t make any mistakes. However you will still not be able to see if you have received an offer from a medical school, only a rough idea based on comparing the top scores of the anonymous ranking to your personal score. 

  • 4 weeks after the exam: the official IMAT ranking is released, and if you’re an EU candidate the ranking will be published within the reserved area of Universitaly.


Once you are successful in the IMAT Ranking & Scrolling, the Italian medical school you have been accepted into will send you an email informing you that you have been accepted into their English Medical Programme. You will need to follow their instructions as the process will be different for each university. However it is generally along the lines of scanning certain documents (passport/DoV etc). Be aware that generally EU students are expected to show up within a few days of confirming their offer. 

You then pay the fees of that university online and will officially be enrolled into an Italian Medical School, congratulations! 

Additional Resources

98 thoughts on “How to Apply to the IMAT as an EU Student”

  1. Sorry but just to clarify, I’m a non eu citizen studying in Georgia 🇬🇪, will I be considered an EU candidate for the IMAT?
    Also if I’m considered EU, do I register with my residency card or my passport. Thank you in advance

        1. If you’ve held a permesso for 1 year, you will be considered EU for all universities. If it’s been a shorter time, then some universities will consider EU and some not.

      1. Serra, I am confused about the process. You take the IMAT and any university will offer you a spot?the. You choose the one you consider the best for you? Or you have to choose a university before taking the exam? To simplify, the universities choose you? Or you choose?

        1. Hello, yes, most unis will consider you an EU-equivalent student if you hold a permesso di soggiorno or the ricevuta (receipt). However, if you have not resided in Italy for at least 12 months, some unis like Parma and Pavia will not consider you EU-equivalent. It is best if you contact the unis for the most accurate information!

      1. Hi Serra,
        My son has EU and Canadian citizenship by birth, but he was born and lived all his life in Canada. Also, he wants to do the IMAT in Toronto. Can he enroll in the IMAT as an EU student?

    1. I am currently studying in italy but I am a non eu student. If I give imat exam in italy will I be considered eu applicant?

  2. Hi Serra, I have a question, I am going to take prep course in Italy in 2024. What if at the time I take the IMAT but I still not receive permesso and I only have ricevuta? Am I considered to be EU status?
    I can be accepted as EU applicant if only I have permesso, right?
    I am really appreciate your help 🙏 Thank you so much!!!

    1. Hi Hyun, could you send the details of your prep course to [email protected] out of curiosity? Some universities might consider you EU, but it’s definitely not all. You would need to email the responsible office in each to find out which require you to have a permesso for 12 months, vs just having one, vs just having the ricevuta.

  3. Please clear my confusion. I am currently studying In Italy but I am a non eu student. If I give imat exam in italy will I be consider eu applicant?

  4. Hi as a Non-Eu residing in Italy and having been registered under a commune and gotten an identity card who has also applied for the permesso late year November and now has the reciept with my appointment date set in October 2024 can I apply as an EU candidate or not ?

    1. Unfortunately you’ll need to double check with your top choice universities as it’s at their discretion! However as long as you have the permesso you should be considered EU, not sure if they count the application/receipt as being EU.

  5. Hi Sarra, when do I have to apply scholarships ? Before the IMAT exam or after ? Because most scholarships deadlines are in September where IMAT not even starts yet . Do they give scholarships without the score ?

    1. You apply before the IMAT as almost all of the regional scholarships are based on income, and then keeping a certain average to keep the scholarship. Some universities separately offer lower fees based on IMAT score.

  6. Hi Serra,
    I’m a Turkish citizen and last year, I was accepted to a Bulgarian Med School named Plovdiv Medical University. This year I started to study to the university and I have obtained a Bulgarian student residency.
    Will I, as a holder of a Student Residency at Bulgaria, be considered an EU candidate if I decide to take the IMAT examination? Or only Bulgarian Permanent Residents and citizens are eligible for that?

      1. Hey I want to ask that for get admission to italian medical school as eu we just have to register for imat? Or pre enroll ourselves in university as well that we’re thinking of prioritising in imat registeration?

      2. SAYEDA SADIA Sultana

        Hello. I wanted to know that as an eu student how much medical school i can apply? Is it 1 or more then 1. Kindly reply

  7. To not risk not getting enrolled at all : i would like to know if its possible to preenroll to 2 different programs ( business ; and medicine )$

    i already have a visa

  8. Hello , I’m an US citizen and I’m studying last year of my high school in Slovenia. I have student residence permit of Slovenia. Do I consider as EU student on IMAT?

    1. If you have a residency permit (not just a study one) for at least 1 year you should be considered EU, you can always email the universities you’re interested in to clarify!

  9. Hi Serra,

    Would you be able to help me clarify my EU or non-EU student status?
    I am an Iranian citizen who moved to the UK in 2016 and have been living here for the past almost 8 years. I first did 3 years of A-levels, then 3 years of a bachelor’s degree, and have now been on a Graduate visa for the past almost 2 years.

    Thank you for your help!

      1. Hi I want to ask you Serra , as eu what is the first step that I should do is it register for imat or applying in the university’s website for exp. turin application call

  10. I am a Japanese student in my first year at a private medical school in Italy. I live in Italy and have an Italian residence permit. I plan to take the IMAT and then re-enter the medical school of another university. Can I do this as an EU citizen?

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      Hi Atsuki, if you have a valid Italian residence permit you should be considered EU for the IMAT ranking. However, some universities have requirements to consider you EU, such as having the permit for at least one year, while others accept you as an EU if you are enrolled in an EU University. It’s best to check with your first choice, to make sure there are no problems 🙂

  11. Hi!!! I have a question concerning EU applicants and the enrollment to the University. With the premises that an EU applicant is automatically qualified to be considered by all the Universities, does he/she need to apply/pre-enroll to any of his/her preferred Universities (if not all of them for fear of not making the cuts in the preferred ones) prior to taking the test? Thank you so very much for your time and all your work on AcadImat❤️

  12. Hi! So if I’m taking the imat in sept of 2024 is it valid for the 2024/25 academic year or for the 2025/26? I got confused with the dates cause theres only a few weeks between the starting of the academic year and the test. Thank you for your answer!

  13. Hi Serra! Hope all is well!

    I’ve heard a few people saying that the ministry of education tends to publish the dates of the exams around April, however I have heard no news about the registration or exam dates yet… Do you have any idea where else I can find the designated information?

    Thank you for your help!

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      Hi 🙂 the Ministry hasn’t opened the registration yet. We are going to announce the registration opening via our newsletter and instagram (@acadimat).

  14. Dear Serra,
    I am a non-EU student and I am living in Italy for 3 months on a student visa. I would like to apply for Medicine and Surgery to 2024/25 as an EU applicant.

    “If you’ve held a permesso for 1 year, you will be considered EU for all universities.”
    I would like to know if it means that I already live a one-year residence in Italy and have a physical residence permit or only have a physical residence permit (with a one-year validity).

    Thank you for reading.

    1. Hello, for some universities a permesso card/receipt is enough to consider a student as EU-equivalent. However, some unis also require a minimum time of possession of the permesso. This differs uni to uni, so please contact them for the most accurate information!

  15. Mithila Mounshi

    I have Italian citizenship but I have completed by study in Bangladesh.Am I be eligible as an eu student and am I need to do pre enrollment ?

  16. for non-eu student in italy with italian residency for study puposes what is my status ? eu or non-eu, thank you,

    1. Hello, for some universities permesso is enough to consider a student as EU-equivalent. However, some unis also require a minimum time of possession of the permesso. This differs uni to uni, so please contact them for the most accurate information!

  17. Hi Serra,
    1. If a test centre is not anywhere close, can one arrange to take the test at a nearby Italian Embassy or a corresponding venue?
    2. Can IMAT results obtained for instance in 2024 be used for 2024 admissions? How long are results valid? In other words are they transferable to other years?
    3. Does one with English-IB SL-level English language score need any further proof of English language skills for admission?
    4. What are the IB cut-off points to study in English Medical Schools in Italy?
    Thank you.

    1. 1. Hello, you can sit the IMAT exam in any center outside of Italy. However, in Italy, you must sit the IMAT exam at your first-choice university.
      2. The IMAT exam results are only valid for that particular year.
      3. Most universities do not require proof of English language proficiency. However, your Italian embassy may require it for a visa.
      4. Only the IMAT score is relevant!

  18. Ciao sera, sono cittadino indiano, ma attualmente ho un permesso di soggiorno per lavoratore, valido fino a dicembre 2024, sarò considerato uno studente europeo per IMAT?

  19. Hi Serra,
    I graduated in the Philippines with a bachelor’s degree, but I have carta identita, codice fiscale, and permesso di soggiorno illimitato in Italy. Am I considered an EU or Non-Eu student?

  20. Hi serra
    i am a nigerian citizen, however i have been living in ireland for the past 8 years, i have my residency permanent in Ireland ,and i am currently processing my irish citizinship. would you please help me clarify if i would be considered a EU citizen

    thanks for helping,

  21. Hi, Serra
    How are you doing? I am a student of Bangladesh but I live in Turin ,Italy with my family . Now I want to give the IMAT (2025)exam as an EU student for University of Turin.I have some questions please reply me
    1.IELTS needs for me or not
    2. I have to do pre application on the website of the university of Turin
    3.when is the university of Turin wedsite open for pre application
    4. Pre enrollment needs for me or not
    5. My roadmap as an eu
    Pre application ( uniTurin)
    IMAT Registration
    IMAT EXAM (yes or no)

    I will be greatful for the answers

    1. 1) I believe that Turin did in the past require an english certificate sometime after enrollment, but I’m not sure if it’s still required. You can always find out after you enroll, as it’s not a requirement from beforehand.

      2) You don’t have to anymore no
      3) See above
      4) You’re applying as eu so no
      5) Register for exam → do exam → enroll

  22. Hi Serra, My daughter is a non EU PP holder, with Resident Permit in Ireland, I understand from above that she is eligible to apply as EU student. She will however need a student Visa to study in Italy. As the timelines are so close from the result of IMAT to starting Course , I would like to know the documentation needed and the process to apply for Student Visa well before September. Is that possible, can you guide me with links to get more info on the process please. Thanks a million, this website is so helpful!

    1. I’m actually not sure how the process works if she has a valid residency permit for Ireland. Your best course of action would be to contact the Italian embassy from the country she needs to apply for the visa from, or you could possible ask the Italian embassy in Ireland, how the process works to transfer her residency permit from Ireland to Italy without a study visa!

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      Hi 🙂
      Actually the Ministry hasn’t opened it yet. We are going to announce its opening via our newsletter and instagram (@acadimat).

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      Yes, the registration hasn’t been opened yet. We are going to announce its opening via our newsletter and instagram (@acadimat).

  23. Hi Serra,

    I’m from the EU and I want to know what is the limit for the DoV/ CIMEA submission during enrollment. I just applied for the DoV and the earliest day that I can be programmed is in November and I am thinking about going with CIMEA, but that will also take plenty of time. I talked to some other students and they said it’s fine and that universities are more tolerant with first years and give them a couple of months to supply them with the necessary documents. Is this true? Does every university have its own policies when it comes to the DoV submission? Have I already lost my place in enrollment? I am still quite confused about this whole process and sorta kinda hate it.

    Thanks a whole lot, have an awesome day!

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      Fortunately, as an EU student you can enroll witout the DoV. You just can’t do any exams until you submit it 🙂 so as long as you receive it before February, you’ll be fine! Even if it’s not ready by then, you won’t lose your spot.

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      The registration hasn’t opened yet 🙂 we are going to announce the registration opening via our newsletter and instagram (@acadimat)

  24. Hello, I am a non-EU citizen and I will apply to a long-term language school in Italy this year. I will have a 1-year residence permit for study purposes. Will I be considered EU for IMAT next year?

  25. Hello, I am a Turkish citizen and I have been studying in Germany for 1 year can I apply as an EU candidate for imat

    1. Anastasia (AcadIMAT)

      If you have a valid residency permit (not a study permit or visa) in Germany, you should be considered an EU candidate. You should ask your top university to verify 🙂

  26. Roshini Perera


    I am a resident in the UK and waiting for my A-level results, which will be released on August 15th. I have Italian citizenship and was born in Italy. Could you please let me know if I need any documents to prove that I studied for 11 years in the UK for the IMAT registration process?

    If so, what is the procedure to obtain this document? UK schools are closed until mid-September, but I do have my GCSE result sheets.

    Thank you so much

    1. If you have Italian citizenship you can apply as an EU student, but will still need to eventually provide a DoV (statement of comparability) as your schooling was not completed in Italy. Usually the DoV requires you to have 12 years of education, and the process is completed through the Italian consulate in the UK.

  27. hello i wanted to ask if having a spain residency (valid for 3 years) make me a eu student and if i have to have it for a specific period of time?

    1. Hello, it depends on your specific legal status and the uni. For some unis, a EU long-term resident permit count as EU status. Please contact the unis you are interested in for the most accurate information!

  28. Hi! I’m confused, as a EU student when do I choose the university I want to apply to? During the registration to IMAT in the Universitaly website?

  29. Hello Serra,

    I am Non eu student residing in Ireland for three years. If I apply for IMAT 2025 am I Considered as EU Student?

    1. Hello, it depends on the nature of your legal status in Ireland but also each uni. Often, a long-term EU residence permit or Italian permesso is required to obtain EU-equivalent status. However, each uni can qualify this requirement, so please contact them for the most accurate information.

      1. Hello, I’m a bit confused. I’m a British and Turkish citizen, residing in the Netherlands since 2022. I will complete my A-levels in a British school in 2026, so I would’ve lived in the Netherlands for four years. Do I count as an EU or non-EU student?

  30. Hi, Is it possible to check the eligibility for taking the IMAT exam beforehand? I finished highschool with 16 in New Zealand and now have a bachelor degree in physiotherapy from the Netherlands. I am not entirely sure if I am eligible cause I do not have a normal highschool diploma from Europe. Can I check on IMAT beforehand. I do not want to study for 4 months and then find out I am cannot even enter yet.

    1. I’m not sure what you mean by “with 16”, but as long as your high school diploma is eligible you should be fine. You can always contact the Italian consulate in NZ to double check with them if you would be able to get the DoV.

  31. Hello,
    Would you be able to help me clarify my EU or non-EU student status?
    I was wondering, as a person with ukrainian citizenship, could I be considered an eu student? Since it’s
    one of the EECA countries you mentioned.
    Thanks in advance!
    Very grateful of everything you all do at acadimat, you’ve been very helpful.

  32. Hello,

    I am an EU student.
    if I am booked to a university do I register on universitaly or the university’s website? also since the academic year had already began, do I have a time limit for me to show up in person?

    Thank you for everything you share on this website.

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